Frequently Asked Questions.
Garden Villa Livingstone offers you so many things likes of Bedroom & Laundry, Entertainment, Scenic Views, Internet & Office, Kitchen & Dining services and also Parking Facilities and many more.
Yes of course Garden Villa Livingstone provides you full satisfaction as compared to resorts. It provides you best services according to your requirements as compared to the resort and you will feel like you are living in your own house.
Yes, Garden Villa Livingstone is safe and secure to travel and also very accommodating to tourists. We are also following all precautions related to the current virus to prevent from it and following all safety like using sanitizers and wearing a mask while contacting to others to get safe from this situation.
Garden Villa Livingstone is a villa to suit every budget and we are offering reasonable as well as affordable prices to stay. Anyone can stay here there is not any need to spend huge money here you can stay here with your affordable budget.
Yes of course Garden Villa Livingstone has its own pictures that represent that exact property you will be staying in and also you will feel here like you are living in your own house. Also, you can use this villa as you are using your house and In short, this is a family villa to spend your holidays.